who we are

Walletcrashers.com is a dedicated platform better than ever to provide users with valuable savings insights through engaging content. Our team of experienced writers takes great pride in curating top-notch, informative articles and strives to deliver excellence to our valued readers. In today’s challenging economic climate, we recognize the importance of prudent financial management and remain steadfast in our commitment to helping our users achieve their financial goals.


Walletcrashers.com provides users with a wealth of insightful articles and compelling blog posts covering a wide range of topics including personal finances, budgeting techniques and creative savings strategies. Based on careful research, we aim to provide practical, actionable advice to help our users integrate financial literacy seamlessly into their daily lives. Our content is presented in a user-friendly manner and is aimed at individuals at every stage of their financial journey.


In addition, our website is tightly integrated with a network of reputable affiliate and e-commerce platforms, increasing the benefits our valued users have when making purchases. Walletcrashers.com provides exclusive access to unprecedented offers, discounts and promotions through strategic partnerships with reputable brands and retailers. In addition, we are happy to provide genuine reviews and recommendations on a wide range of products and services to help our users make informed decisions before purchasing.


At Walletcrashers.com, we take great pride in being a trusted partner in your journey to financial prosperity, ensuring your savings journey is worthwhile and convenient. 


Our Team

WalletCrashers takes pride in ensuring we have a group of talented people who care about our team and deliver quality work. The company has a team of 8-10 people, including content he writers, affiliate managers and developers, who work together to provide quality content to users on the website.

The WalletCrashers team strives to provide users with the best content possible and takes their job very seriously. Each team member is competent in their area of expertise and committed to providing quality work that meets the company’s standards. 

our Team



Asher Perker

Affiliate Manager

McKenzie Zhang

Content Writer

Jennifer Elizabeth

Content Writer

Our Mission

Welcome to WalletCrashers , your daily dose of fun, inspiring, and helpful content! My name is Asher Parker, and I’m the head blogger here. WalletCrashers is a bit of a passion project for me — I started it mainly because I love writing and want to share my thoughts and ideas with the world. Still, that doesn’t mean I write just for myself. On the contrary, I always keep in mind when choosing the topics for my posts. That’s why this is a site that people from all walks of life can enjoy. Whether you need an idea for your next travel destination, some fashion and beauty advice, or a few tips on managing your budget,WalletCrashers has got you covered. But make no mistake — this isn’t some sort of advice column. WalletCrashers is a place where you can actually have some fun. If you need a little pick-me-up, why not read some funny quotes that will surely bring a smile to your face? Or maybe you need someone to encourage and inspire you? You can find all of that right here on WalletCrashers. Above all, my goal is to help you live a richer and more fulfilling life. If that sounds like something you’d like, then don’t forget to regularly check WalletCrashers.